Sano participated in the 1st European Teaming Conference organized by the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy in Limassol, Cyprus.
The event gathered representatives from all 24 European Projects funded under the Horizon 2020 “Teaming for Excellence” Programme, representatives from the European Commission and the Research Executive Agency, as well as stakeholders from the Cyprus R&I ecosystem.
The Conference aims at serving as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences among the participants while setting the foundations for synergies and efficient collaborations with added value and impact on the European economy and society.
The conference’s program includes interesting, thought-provoking sessions making the event a great opportunity to share views and discuss common challenges. Some of the key topics that we are discussing at the conference are:
✅ Impact of CoEs on recovery and resilience efforts
✅ Lessons learned and the future of Teaming Projects
✅ The importance of the European Teaming Club
✅ Business Model of CoEs and best practices
✅ Collaboration Opportunities
Dr Magdalena Godowska had a chance to present at the stage Sano Science institute and describe what we do in our centre.
Dr Anna Maria Trawińska took part in the panel about collaboration opportunities.
It was so wonderful to meet all 24 Centers of Excellence and be able to participate in fruitful discussions and exchange valuable experiences!