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Combining medicine with data science - a true story from a scientific and practical perspective

The combination of medicine and data science is no longer the future, it is happening here and now and – what is important – very quickly. Thanks to a 3-year training project funded by the EU, which we are now closing, we had the opportunity – literally – to collide the medical world with the IT world, which resulted in a unique experience. We will be happy to tell anyone who is interested in the common part of these two difficult environments (medicine and data science).

Agnieszka Siennicka, human biologist (2008) and psychologist (2013) graduated at the University of Wroclaw. Doctorate in health sciences (2014), carried out at the Wroclaw Medical University (UMW) with the financial support from the National Science Center (grant Preludium, 2012-2015), concerned the psychological determinants of non-compliance with medical recommendations in patients with heart failure. She is working at the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology of the UMW, which includes teaching students (classes in human physiology for students of medicine and dentistry) and further research in the field of patient education, also with the use of modern devices.

Since 2020, involved in the realisation of the training grant HeartBIT_4.0 (Application of innovative Medical Data Science technologies for heart diseases). The project (financially supported by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 programme) aims to improve the competences of the staff of the UMW in the field of modern methods and a modern philosophy of conducting experiments and analyzing medical data.

Agnieszka Siennicka,

Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, PL

Monday, 13 February 2023, 2:00-3:30 PM (CET)

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