The Congress of the EAES in Rome

Sabina Kamińska, a Ph.D. student at the Health Informatics team of Sano, successfully presented the new, improved version of the simulator for training core manual skills for Spina Bifida repair, designed by the team, at the 31st International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery in Rome, 20-23 June. The new version of the…

M6 NEARDATA meeting in Dresden 

It has been only 6 months since the launch of the NEARDATA project, but Sano already has demos of working software! Members of the Extreme-scale Data and Computing team: Maciej Malawski, Piotr Kica, Sabina Licholai, and Jan Przybyszewski, successfully demonstrated the demos during the M6 NEARDATA meeting at the Dresden University of Technology, 12-13 June…