International PhD programme

Multidisciplinary PhD programme crossing the boundaries between:

Degrees and training courses organized by:

Collaboration with research teams at Sano:

Training and research exchange programme:

Call for PhD Students

As a key part of its operations, Sano provides an opportunity for young researchers to conduct research in computational medicine as a part of the international, multi-disciplinary PhD programme. Sano collaborates with partnering universities (including University of Sheffield, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University in Kraków, University of Amsterdam) and other eligible institutions that will conduct the formal procedure of granting the PhD degree.


PhD programme at Sano means crossing the border between medicine, computer science and biomedical engineering, it grants an amazing opportunity for Students to be involved in international collaborations, both academic and industrial. As a part of the programme, the Students will spend up to 6 months abroad witin the partnering institutions for training and research visits

Call for clinically relevant research topics

This call is addressed to all researchers in the areas including: Medicine, Pharmacy, Biomedical engineering, Computer Science, or Computational Science who are interested in conducting world leading translational research in the broad area of Computational Medicine and, potentially, co-supervising the PhD students who will be employed at Sano. 

The ability or willingness to co-supervise the resulting PhD thesis is not a requirement, but an option. We seek topics which address important clinically-related problems that can be solved using computational methods, in alignment with the areas of Sano’s research agenda: Modelling and Simulation, High Performance Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Healthcare Informatics.

The proposed topics will be evaluated by a committee of researchers at Sano, taking into account the importance of clinical problem, the scientific novelty, the relevance to Sano’s research agenda, the availability of clinical data, translational potential, and possible risks.
The list of accepted topics together with their descriptions will be publicly announced and advertised as an open call for PhD candidates. The researchers who proposed the topics will be involved in the process of candidates’ recruitment, which will be conducted in an open, international procedure, according to standards set by the Foundation for Polish Science and Euraxess Network.

Benefits to topic proposers​