Maciej Malawski

Maciej Malawski


Holds a PhD in computer science and an MSc in computer science and physics. In 2011-2012 he was a postdoc at the University of Notre Dame, USA. Currently an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science AGH and a senior researcher at ACC Cyfronet AGH. His scientific interests at Sano include parallel and distributed computing, including distributed computing, data science, including large-scale data analysis, cloud technologies, resource management and scientific applications. He spends his free time on outdoor activities in the mountains near Kraków and around the world. His professional interests are focused on the use of computing in medicine.

Marian Bubak

Marian Bubak

Scientific Affairs Director

He obtained M.Sc. in Technical Physics and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. He also leads the Laboratory of Information Methods in Medicine at ACC Cyfronet AGH, is a staff member of the Department of Computer Science AGH, and the Professor of Distributed System Engineering (emeritus) at the Informatics Institute University of Amsterdam. His research interests include parallel and distributed computing and quantum computing. He served key roles in about 15 EU-funded projects and authored about 230 papers. He is a member of editorial boards of FGCS, Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, and Computer Science Journal.

Maciej Malawski

Maciej Malawski


Holds a PhD in computer science and an MSc in computer science and physics. In 2011-2012 he was a postdoc at the University of Notre Dame, USA. Currently an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science AGH and a senior researcher at ACC Cyfronet AGH. His scientific interests at Sano include parallel and distributed computing, including distributed computing, data science, including large-scale data analysis, cloud technologies, resource management and scientific applications. He spends his free time on outdoor activities in the mountains near Kraków and around the world. His professional interests are focused on the use of computing in medicine.

Alessandro Crimi

Alessandro Crimi

Research Team Leader of Computer Vision Data Science, Head of Brain&more LAB

He holds a Ph.D. in medical imaging from the University of Copenhagen and an MBA in international health management from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (University of Basel). He worked as a postdoctoral researcher in different countries including Italy, France and Switzerland, mostly on clinical neuroimaging projects about multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and glioma. In the past, he also was a visiting lecturer at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Ghana and South Africa, where he did several projects related to global health and prenatal care.

Jose Sousa

Jose Sousa

Research Team Leader - Personal Health Data Science

Dr. Jose Sousa, PhD, was the Manager of the Advanced Informatics Core Technology Unit in the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences (FHMLS) at QUB. He obtained his PhD under Prof. Ricardo Machado (University of Minho, Portugal) and Prof. Jose Mendes (University of Aveiro, Portugal) supervision at University of Minho, Portugal on developing complex network models to study software usage alignment with the project requirements. Previously and during his PhD he worked as Information Systems Director at I3S, a research institution of University of Porto ( where he deployed and managed all the IT infrastructure as well as deploying and developing software to support management and research operations. He was a collaborator of HDRUK – Swansea/QUB substantial site as AI researcher and actively working with QUB Centre for Public Health as part of the QUB support to Northern Ireland Public Health response to pandemic where he has developed self-learning AI on publicly available and self-reporting data. He also has worked on genetic alignment modelling and on mining socio-technical systems.

Przemysław Korzeniowski

Przemysław Korzeniowski

Research Team Leader of Health Informatics, Head of VR&Robotics LAB

He obtained M.Sc. in Advanced Computing in 2010 and Ph.D. in Modelling and Simulation in 2016 from Imperial College London. His work and research at Modelling in Medicine and Surgery Research Group focused on the development and validation of virtual reality simulators. He gained practical experience in the industry at the R&D Department of Volkswagen Group, where he was a key team-member of a newly established Virtual Engineering Lab, the forefront of digital transformation of the whole company. His main research interest are virtual and augmented reality, real-time physically-based simulation, massively-parallel computing, haptic interfaces as well as aspects of software engineering and architecture of simulation software.

Ahmed Abdeen Hamed

Ahmed Abdeen Hamed


Dr. Ahmed Abdeen Hamed, Ph.D., completed his Ph.D. at the University of Vermont in 2014. His dissertation persente novel network models and algorithms that explored social media data, news articles, and biomedical literature. Particularly, his work investigated digital recruitment, adverse drug events, and rankings. While he was in the pharma industry, he designed a network algorithm that provided ranking to small molecules based on their specificity. In 2019, Dr. Hamed also served as an assistant Professor of data science and artificial antelligence at Norwich University. He has led the development of several academic programs (in data science, business analytics, and information systems) for both undergraduate and graduate levels. He also served as a program director for those academic programs. During the pandemic, Dr. Hamed was one of the very early scientists who investigated the possibility of providing a COVID-19 treatment. He published a paper that recommended 30-drugs which to date is considered the foundation for many of the publications that followed after.

Arkadiusz Sitek

Arkadiusz Sitek

Independent researcher, Director of Sano until August 2022

Previously employed at IBM and Philips Research in Cambridge. In 2006-2015, assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, and a medical physicist at the Brigham and Women’s and Massachusetts General Hospitals. In years 2001-2006 scientist in Lawrence Berkeley Labs in Berkeley and Beth Israel Medical Center in Boston. His professional interests are focused on the use of computing in medicine. He specializes in the application of statistical methods in healthcare, medical data visualization, medical physics, and machine learning.

Bartosz Balis

Bartosz Balis

Senior Postdoc

Bartosz Balis is an associate professor at the Institute of Computer Science of the AGH University of Science and Technology, and a Senior Postgraduate Researcher at the Sano Centre for Computational Medicine. He is also a member of the CERN ALICE experiment. A graduate of AGH and Jagiellonian University, he obtained his PhD and DSc (habilitation) in Computer Science from the AGH University. A co-author of over 60 international peer-reviewed scientific publications, including papers in high-ranked journals. His research interests include scientific workflows, data science, e-Science, cloud computing, and distributed computing. Dr Balis has been a member of conference program and organizing committees, including Euro-Par 2020 workshops (General Co-chair), HPCS 2018-19 (Tutorials Co-Chair), IEEE/ACM SC18 Birds of a Feather Planning Committee, IEEE/ACM SC16 Workshops Planning Committee. He has participated in national and EU-FP5/FP6/FP7/H2020 research projects CrossGrid, CoreGRID, K-Wf Grid, ViroLab, Gredia, UrbanFlood, PaaSage and WATERLINE.

Rafał Niżankowski

Rafał Niżankowski

Senior Postdoc

In 1972 I graduated Faculty of Medicine in Krakow. During first 17 years I was dedicated to Intensive Care. In 1976 organize and lead during next 13 years Intensive Care Unit at University Hospital in Krakow. In 1989 I was invited to work in Ministry of Heath during first non-communist government. Major results were introduction of family doctor in primary heath care, establishing first school of public health in Krakow, reform of postgraduate physician training based on residency, establishing National Center for Quality Assessment in Healthcare. After returning to Jagiellonian University and Its Hospital I focused on establishing Department of Angiology which I lead till 2017. As a chairman of this Department, I decided to implement clinical registry for patients who undergo endovascular procedures. We collected 10 years experiences of it influence on clinical practice. Parallel activity focused on building country wide Accreditation Program for Hospitals, which is active from 1997 till now. In 2004 for short period, I served in government as vice-minister of health which resulted in establishing Polish Agency for Medical Technology Assessment. Scientific papers over 200 and which was cited around 1000 times. My doctorate and habilitation thesis concern first use of prostacyclin (vascular hormone).

Anna Drożdż

Anna Drożdż

PostDoc in Personal Health Data Science

Anna obtained her M.Sc. in Laboratory Medicine form Jagiellonian University and Engineer’s Degree in Materials Science from AGH University of Science and Technology. In 2021 Anna defended her thesis in Physics (with the specialization in Biophysics) and was awarded a Ph.D. degree by the Jagiellonian University. She worked briefly as an Research Assistant in the Department of Medical Physics on JU. Before joining Sano, her research focused on drug delivery systems, long-distance cell-to-cell communication and diabetes. She was a visiting graduate researcher at Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam and Joseph Stefan Institute in Ljubljana . At Sano Anna will work on connecting the worlds of data science and biology. In her free time she enjoys travelling, mountaineering and reading.

Cemal Koba

Cemal Koba

PostDoc in Computer Vision Data Science

Cemal completed his PhD in computational neuroscience at IMT Lucca, Italy. For his thesis, he examined structural brain plasticity in the case of early and acquired blindness. He is interested in methods for processing and analyzing neuroimaging data. In Sano, he will work on brain connectivity differences due to ischemia, and in collaboration with EPFL Zurich, he will examine stress-related brain circuits in both animal and human fMRI.

Natalia Lipp

Natalia Lipp

PostDoc in Health Informatics Team

Natalia is Ph.D. Student in social sciences. Her doctoral research concerns the psychological factors of human-computer interaction, particularly the role of immersion and imagination in task performance in virtual reality. At Sano, Natalia is devoted to enhancing patients' well-being and increasing trust to AI. In addition to scientific work, Natalia is also an academic lecturer at Jagiellonian University, and she teaches Health Psychology, Statistics, and Social Psychology.

Adrian Onicas

Adrian Onicas

PostDoc in Computer Vision Data Science

Adrian’s background is in clinical psychology (MSc) and computational neuroscience (Ph.D.). His research interests cover the replicability of neuroimaging methods and applications of advanced neuroimaging techniques (MRI, fMRI, and DTI) in neurological disorders. He has experience with the analysis of large neuroimaging datasets and has taken part in some significant projects in the field, including the Neuroimaging Analysis Replication and Prediction Study (NARPS) and the Advancing Concussion Assessment in Pediatrics (A-CAP) study. Previous work has focused on non-linear methods for signal processing, replicability of neuroimaging analysis pipelines, multisite data harmonization, and brain connectivity alterations following traumatic brain injury.

Karol Capała

Karol Capała

PostDoc in Personal Health Data Science

Karol is an alumnus of physics at the Jagiellonian University. During his bachelor's degree, he was involved in epidemiological modeling, and later devoted time to the study of stochastic processes. He defended, with distinction, his PhD thesis on underdamped Lévy flights. His interests include random walks (the mathematical kind), statistical physics, and population models.

Jakub Jończyk

Jakub Jończyk

PostDoc in Clinical Data Science

Jakub got a PhD at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków. His doctoral research concerns the application of molecular modeling in drug design, specifically in designing multitarget ligands for future Alzheimer’s treatment. After that Jakub spent one year as a assistant professor with the Medicinal Chemistry Department at Jagiellonian University teaching and expanding his research with machine learning techniques. At Sano, he joined the Clinical Data Science Team for his PostDoc training. He aims to build his computational knowledge to advance his career as a medical chemistry. He is excited is collaborate with a vibrant interdiscplanary team of computer scientists, biologists, pharmacologist to provide a better response to the needs of patients and medical professionals around the world.

Agus Hartoyo

Agus Hartoyo

PostDoc in Computer Vision Data Science

Agus obtained his Ph.D. in computational neuroscience from Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, with a dissertation addressing the inference of physiological mechanisms in the human cortex by fitting a neural population model to EEG data. His Ph.D. dissertation was examined by two experts in computational neuroscience, one of whom graded the thesis with the highest grade: “Excellent - Summa cum Laude”. Before doing the Ph.D., he received his M.Sc. in Computer Science from TU Kaiserslautern, Germany. After his Ph.D., he joined the School of Computing, Telkom University, Indonesia, as an academic. His research interests include computational neuroscience, statistical inference, machine learning, logic, and formal methods. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Sano, investigating the comorbidity of PTSD and other disorders via machine learning analysis of EEG.

 Adam Sulek

Adam Sulek

PostDoc in Clinical Data Science

Ph.D. student in the Department of Chemistry at Jagiellonian University. His Ph.D. defense is planned for December 2022. His interdisciplinary research was performed in collaboration with the Chemistry Department of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), the Malopolska Biotechnology Center, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University. His research interests include computational chemistry and biology, computer-aided drug design, molecular docking and Graph Neural Network.

Anna Furgała-Wojas

Anna Furgała-Wojas

PostDoc in Clinical Data Science

Anna graduated from Jagiellonian University Medical College in 2016 with a Master of Science in Pharmacy and is currently (November 2022) defended doctoral degree in Department of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University. Her doctoral project involved the use of computer tools in behavioral research, thus enabling the improvement of the experimenter's work, the elimination of errors, the unification of expertise as well as the reduction of the number of animals used for behavioral research. She is interested in the use of computer methods in medicine and pharmacy, expanding knowledge, streamlining the process of conducting research at the preclinical stage as well as setting new, engaging goals on her scientific path. Lover of travel, good movies, books and DIY.

Paulina Komorek

Paulina Komorek

Junior Postdoctoral Researcher in Personal Health Data Science

Paulina obtained her M.Sc. in Biophysics (Medical Physics) from Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at Jagiellonian University. After that Paulina started interdisciplinary PhD studies “Interdisciplinarity for Innovation Medicine” in the area of chemistry and physics at Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences and at Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences. Her doctoral project concerns conformational changes in proteins that are of great importance in the development of neurodegenerative diseases, and she carried out part of the project at University of Oldenburg and at Yale Medical School. Paulina defended doctoral degree in September 2022. She also worked as Data Scientist in a start-up dealing with diagnosis the condition of human heart. At Sano Paulina will work on applying data science in personalized medicine. In her free time, she loves travelling and expanding knowledge on the possibilities of supporting medical care by new technologies.

Sylwia Malec

Sylwia Malec

PhD Student

Sylwia holds a BSc from AGH University of Science and Technology. Her bachelor thesis focused on obtaining 3D-printed pelvis directly from a patient's CT scan. She gained practical experience as a software engineer and data scieSylwia holds a BSc from AGH University of Science and Technology. Her Bachelor’s thesis focused on obtaining 3D printed pelvis directly from a patient’s CT scan. She gained practical experience as a software engineer and data scientist in the industry, where she was focusing on Computer Vision solutions for public safety. In Sano, she works on challenges associated with medical imaging of brain tumors in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Zurich. Privately, she calls herself a renaissance soul due to having lots of interests and hobbies - she is a photomodel, traveler, yoga practitioner, just to name a few.

Jan Meizner

Jan Meizner


Graduated in 2009, majoring in federated IT security systems. Since then he has been working at ACC Cyfronet AGH on many EU and national projects involving a wide range of subjects, including computational medicine. His work focuses on IT security, cloud and HPC infrastructures, as well as building software for such infrastructures. In Sano he was involved in the operations of IT systems, as well as a range of IT security tasks, including identity management and data security as the Technical Manager. Later he shifted his focus back to science by becoming a PHD Student in Extreme-scala Data and Computing Team as well as Senior Scientific Programmer in the ISW Project.

Michał Grzeszczyk

Michał Grzeszczyk

PhD Student

Michał is PhD student who joins Health Informatics team and will work on Machine learning estimation of pulmonary circulation abnormalities using phase contrast MR and echocardiography. He is a graduate of Computer Science studies at the Warsaw University of Technology and Technical University of Berlin (dual-degree). At Sano he'll be working on non-invasive pulmonary hypertension detection. He is passionate about utilizing of AI in various areas. After hours, he works with his friend on the mobile application Chefs' ( which is devoted to storing and sharing cooking recipes coming from multiple sources like images or websites. In his free time he loves playing football and discovering new sport disciplines.

Joan Falcó Roget

Joan Falcó Roget

PhD Student

Joan studied a BSc in physics at the University of Barcelona. Then he moved to Madrid to study a MSc in systems biology at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM). His thesis was about computational neuroscience, specifically in " the learning role of dopamine ". After that Joan spent one year collaborating (as a research assistant) with the Theoretical Physics Department in Madrid studying the same things. In Sano he will be working on neuroplasticity after tumor and stroke, and surgical planning. From his personal side, he plays the piano, he loves any kind of sports (specially tennis and football) and he falls in love with mountains.

Paweł Renc

Paweł Renc

PhD Student

Paweł obtained the title of MSc. in CS at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, specializing in data science, and currently is a PhD student at the same university. At Sano, he joined the Healthcare Informatics team where he processes medical data utilizing machine learning methods. His research interests include AI, optimization algorithms and parallel computing in the GPGPU architecture.

Monika Pytlarz

Monika Pytlarz

PhD Student

Monika obtained a BSc in Electroradiology from Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University and an MSc in Bioinformatics from JU. During her master's studies, she was involved in the development of an algorithm for the automatic segmentation of a high-resolution ultrasound image. She has experience working with clinical patients in the hospital Diagnostic Imaging Department as a radiographer. In Sano, she investigates the use of generative adversarial networks to generate data in the context of microscopy. In her free time, she dances pole art, enjoys alternative music concerts, and plays analog RPGs.

Joanna Kaleta

Joanna Kaleta

PhD Student

She obtained the title of MSc. in Computer Science at the Warsaw University of Technology specializing in machine learning. In her research, she pays special attention to projects with valuable ideas that contribute to real positive changes in the world. Previously she worked on topics related to medical signal analysis, biodiveristy and smart cities. As a PhD student at Sano in Health Informatics team she will focus on fetal image analysis and image-guided therapy using deep learning methods.

Magdalena Otta

Magdalena Otta

PhD Student

Her scientific journey started in Scotland, at the University of Edinburgh where she graduated from in 2021 with a Master of Physics degree. The subject of her thesis was modelling a response of a single cell to the use of fractionated radiotherapy in order to induce the abscopal effect in cancer treatment. She joined Sano Modelling and Simulation Team as a PhD student and is currently working on modelling venous flow in patients presenting with deep vein thrombosis of the lower limb.

Szymon Płotka

Szymon Płotka

PhD Student

He obtained M.Sc. in Medical Informatics in 2019 from Warsaw University of Technology. Currently pursuing his PhD in the medical image analysis at Sano Centre and Warsaw University of Technology. His main research interests are computer vision, machine learning and deep learning-based fetal ultrasound imaging and image-guided therapy.

Luca Gherardini

Luca Gherardini

PhD Student

Luca got a Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, in Italy. He feeds a deep curiosity for many scientific fields, for which he decided to join Sano in a project on proteins diffusion in Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases. Luca is always focusing on self-development, meditation, and training sessions.

Amanuel Ergogo

Amanuel Ergogo


Amanuel is a Ph.D. student working on a project entitled Machine Learning for Collaborative Robots in Healthcare. In the Sano health informatics team. His main research interest is in computer vision and deep learning for motion planning, controls, and robot autonomy, specifically to provide robotic assistance and manipulation aids in hospital settings. He obtained M.Eng in Control Engineering and Robotics from Wroclaw Science and Technology University in Poland. His Master's thesis deals with Autonomous mobile robot localization problems, that is to enable the robots to localize themselves in harsh environmental conditions. He earned his BSc degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Wolaita Sodo University in Ethiopia. He has experience working as an assistant lecturer at the same university where he earned his bachelor’s degree.

Tomasz Szczepański

Tomasz Szczepański

PhD Student

Tomasz holds a BEng from Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) in Photonics Engineering. His bachelor thesis focused on computer vision and augmented reality techniques. He gained practical experience as a software engineer at Curious Element startup and The Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management of WUT. He obtained MSc in Computer Science in 2022 from WUT. His thesis focused on the problem of data bias in chest X-rays of patients with COVID-19. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD at Sano Centre and WUT. He joined the Health Informatics team at Sano, and he will be working on medical treatment planning using deep learning methods. In his free time, he bakes Neapolitan pizza and brews craft beer or speciality coffee.

Kamil Woźniak

Kamil Woźniak

PhD Student

He holds a Master's Degree in Physics and is currently pursuing one in Computer Science. At Sano, he is part of the Personal Health Data Science team working on self-learning AI. His interests include the application of AI in various scientific fields, the limitations of current approaches to AI, and its philosophical aspects.

Sabina Kamińska

Sabina Kamińska

PhD Student

She is a technology-loving software developer. She has nearly 2-years of experience in VR and mobile games. She has been passionate about biomedical engineering. She graduated from the Silesian University of Technology with a Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering specialising in Informatics in Medicine.The purpose of the engineering and master's thesis was to improve the hand rehabilitation system. For the purpose of the project she designed game rehabilitation and glove construction. At Sano, she joined the Healthcare Informatics team and she’ll be working on deep Learning-based Surgical Robots.

Rosmary Blanco

Rosmary Blanco

PhD Student

Rosmary is a biotechnologist with experience in data recordings and analysis in the neurological, neurosurgical, and neurorehabilitation fields. She specializes in clinical network neuroscience and has skills in complex electrophysiological signal processing, particularly EEG source functional connectivity and network analysis. Her main interest is studying the large-scale network principles governing neuronal communication, cognition, and human behavior through computational approaches, personalized medicine, and clinical decision support.

Samaneh Salehi Nasab

Samaneh Salehi Nasab

PhD Student in Clinical Data Science

Samaneh graduated from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2016 with a PhD in Computer Science. Since then, she has worked in both academia and industry. During her PhD, her main focus was on successful systems implementation. She worked as a product owner in various industries such as logestic and algo trading and as a Python programmer in data processing and visualization. She taught undergraduate students courses such as Agile Development and Systems Analysis. She moved to Sano to pursue a second PhD in biomedical semantic data integration. She is currently working on an ontology-based text mining project. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, watching movies, listening to podcasts, and reading.

Kuba Chrobociński

Kuba Chrobociński

PhD Student

Kuba graduated from AGH University of Science and Technology with a Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering. His main areas of professional interest are processing of medical imaging, machine learning and AI in medicine and joining those two in VR environment. Kuba is passionate about using technology to help people live longer, healthier lives. He joined Sano in October 2022 as PhD student. His PhD project will be conducted in collaboration with University of Sheffield on topic of Haptically-enhanced VR/AR for Improved Information Capture and Exchange in Medical/Social Environments. Privatly he is interested in trekking, wine tasting, cooking and Formula 1.

Maria Gołębiowska

Maria Gołębiowska

PhD Student

Currently pursuing her PhD at Sano as part of the Personal Health Data Science team. Received her MD degree from the Jagiellonian University Medical College, Bachelor’s degrees in Informatics and Econometrics as well as International Economic Relations from Cracow University of Economics and a Bachelor’s degree in Transatlantic International Relations from Grand Valley State University. Interested in regenerative, preventive and lifestyle medicine.

Dominika Ciupek

Dominika Ciupek

PhD Student

Dominika earned a Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. She is currently pursuing her PhD at Sano as part of the Extreme-scale Data and Computing team on the topic of Application of Federated Learning to Medical Data at Large Scale. Dominika specializes in medical imaging of the brain, especially in diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. So far, her main fields of research have been biophysical multi-compartment models and tractographic algorithms. Privately, she is a fan of psychological thrillers and documentaries about serial killers. She also spends her free time sketching and digital drawing.

Dominik Strama

Dominik Strama

Master Student in Extreme-scale Data and Computing

Dominik is pursuing an MSc degree in Computer Science at the Warsaw University of Technology. Graduated in 2021 from Applied Computer Science at AGH with a BSc thesis related to object detection in real-time using a phone camera. Interested in writing software for Apple ecosystem, machine learning and deep learning. Currently doing research on smart watches as his master's thesis project. Daily he works as a software engineer developing mobile applications for iOS. Enjoys spending his free time actively, most often running, hiking and working out.

Michał Daniłowski

Michał Daniłowski

Master Student in Extreme-scale Data and Computing

Michał is pursuing MSc degree in Data Science at AGH UST. He is interested in machine learning and cloud technologies. An open-source enthusiast. Currently researching applications of on-device federated learning in medicine as his master's thesis project. In his free time, he enjoys traveling and listening to classical music.

Piotr Nowakowski

Piotr Nowakowski


Involved in the preparation of the Sano project since its inception, and currently assisting in the preparation of Sano’s internal documents and regulations (including English translations of the relevant documentation). Has participated in numerous collaborative research projects, both national and European, performing development work on collaborative research environments and distributed data storage systems. Also works as a translator, with several dozen published book translations under his belt.

Szymon Seliga

Szymon Seliga

Senior Scientific Programmer

Coming from a family with generations of experience in Medicine and Science, he has embarked on a journey which combines the two of worlds – Computational Medicine. Starting in IT at an early age, some 20+ years ago, has brought him on the different edges of the industry, allowing him to gain experience and insight both in opposing organisational cultures (agile start-up, high-functioning enterprises and self-organising ventures) around the world as well as in various software and hardware stacks. The only thing he likes more than a good challenge, are helpful solutions.

Tomasz Gubała

Tomasz Gubała


Having an extensive track record in providing computational and IT solutions for researchers, Tomasz serves as an all-stack senior analyst and software developer at Sano. He also possesses experience with establishing and working at his own company, and brings his entrepreneurial approach to the Centre. His official title is Capataz de Cargadores.

Patrycja Lelujko

Patrycja Lelujko


Patrycja is a user experience designer. Although she is at the beginning of her career path, she has a deep understanding of working on user-centric designs as her background covers a bachelor's degree in cognitive science at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Currently, she is studying computer science but aims to continue her further education in the neuro-cognitive psychology field. In the projects, she is working on she values the most that they have an actual positive impact on people's health and so on their lives. Privately she uses every opportunity to travel as she enjoys getting to know other cultures and languages. That is also a reason why she is a volunteer at Erasmus Student Network.

Alicja Gawalska

Alicja Gawalska

Medicinal Chemistry Specialist

Ala graduated from Jagiellonian University Medical College in 2018 with a Master of Science in Pharmacy, and is currently completing her PhD studies in pharmaceutical sciences. She also finished the postgraduate studies in data science. Her doctoral project concerns computer-aided drug design in the field of multi-target ligands with potential application in the treatment of asthma and COPD. She is interested in design of new compounds using molecular modelling approach, the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in drug design, as well as the analysis of medical and pharmaceutical data. A lover of German language and German culture.

Krzysztof Gądek

Krzysztof Gądek


Currently studying computer science at the AGH UST (WIEiT). Programming since he was 12 years old, it's one his biggest passion. In Sano started as intern on the HPHOB project, now working with MEE development and occasionally other programming tasks. His other passions are science (physics, mathematics (especially differential equations), astronomy), history and sports, like gym, swimming or skiing. Great fan of the Balkans culture, visited most of countries in this region, except for Albania. Foreign languages lover, currently studying English and Russian, in future plans to learn German, Italian and Serbo-Croatian

Karol Zając

Karol Zając


During his engineering studies in the field of Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. Currently participating in collaborative, European project - In Silico World (ISW). Especially interested in Modeling, Simulation and also Artificial Intelligence. Usually spends his leisure time on swimming, traveling with his mates and being into DIY for mental and manual skills development.

Taras Zhyhulin

Taras Zhyhulin


A student from Ukraine. Currently studying computer science at Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza AGH in Kraków. Interested in programming, web administration and studying. Also likes sports and learning new languages. Speaks Ukrainian, Russian, English, and learning Polish. Works at Sano as an intern to gain some working experience and enhance his practical skills in IT field.

Piotr Kica

Piotr Kica


Currently doing BSc in Computer Science at AGH UST in Cracow. Particularly interested in big data problems and cloud computing solutions. His Sano career started with an internship on data analysis related projects, now working as a part of the In Silico World project. A follower of an active lifestyle – both physical (working out, playing team sports) and mental (playing chess). In his free time he likes to study Norwegian, listen to audiobooks and go to orchestral concerts.

Jan Przybyszewski

Jan Przybyszewski

Junior Scientific Programmer

Jan has always been interested in healthcare, having a short tenure in Jagiellonian University Medical College. In the end, he decided to pursue a career in engineering - he obtained his M.Sc degree in Computer Science at AGH UST in Cracow. His thesis was focused on using graph neural networks in miRNA-mRNA target prediction. Apart from academic experience, he also developed his software engineering skills by working on commercial projects at companies such as Nomagic and Mercedes-Benz AG. At Sano, he joins the Extreme-scale Data and Computing team to conduct exciting research on the use of Federated Learning in healthcare. In his free time, Jan enjoys reading, playing videogames, and doing sports.

Varun Ravi Varma

Varun Ravi Varma


Hi, I am Varun. Post a bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from India, I spent a little over two years working as a Data Science and AI consultant for a Microsoft Partner. I then pursued my Masters in Artificial Intelligence from Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands, focusing on Reinforcement Learning and Explainable AI using Automata. I have experience with Data Science, Unsupervised Learning Methodologies and Automaton Theory. My current interests include exploring the use of Multi-Agent Systems and Continuous Learning methods in the space of Personal Health.

Adam Nowak

Adam Nowak


Currently studying computer science at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. Now employed to be part of the In Silico World project developing the MEE platform. In his free time enjoys attending music festivals, travelling to interesting places and watching new movies.

Filip Katulski

Filip Katulski

Master Student in Clinical Data Science

Filip is a student of Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications at AGH University of Science and Technology. At the same university he obtained two engineering diplomas: Power Engineering and Electronics. His engineering thesis in Electronics focused on the development of a MOX-type gas sensor control system for the Biomarker Analysis Laboratory. His Master's thesis is being carried out in Prof Hamed's team in collaboration with Prof Malawski. The topic is the design of a federated text search engine for Biomedical text analysis. Filip interned as a Technical Student at CERN in the Data Aquisition team, responsible for the Computational Infrastructure of the ATLAS project, one of the four components of the Large Hadron Collider. As part of his career, he is interested in topics such as Cloud Computing, Large Scale Computing and Natural Language Processing. In his free time, he enjoys travelling, snowboarding, going to the opera, theatre, and cinema.

Szymon Mazurek

Szymon Mazurek

Master Student in Computer Vision Data Science

Deep learning and AI enthusiast, holds BSc in Electronics obtained at AGH UST. Currently pursuing a masters degree in Computer Science and Intelligent Systems at the same university. His BSc thesis was about application of deep learning based vision models to assess the aging process in veterinary subjects, a part of CyfroVet project run by ACC Cyfronet AGH in which he still actively participates. Currently working on his masters thesis at Sano in the project that aims to predict the seizure events with deep learning based on the brain EEG signals. Interested in applications of AI in the field of medicine. Privately active brazilian jiu-jitsu competitor, non-fiction books and RPG games lover.

Aleksandra Pestka

Aleksandra Pestka

MSc Student

Aleksandra is pursuing MSc degree in Data Science at AGH. Her bachelor thesis was related to predicting epileptic seizures using neural networks. In Sano she is a member of Computer Vision Data Science team. Currently doing research on the application of statistical and machine learning models in neuroscience as her master's thesis project. Privately, she is all about getting away from the city, trekking in the mountains, learning rock climbing and nature travelling (especially delighted with Scandinavia).

Marcin Wierzbiński

Marcin Wierzbiński

Scientific Programmer

Graduated bachelor's degree in 2020 from Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw (MIMUW) with related bachelor's thesis: "Solving SAT problems using quantum algorithms". He gathered experience as a software engineer and research associate intern at the Polish Academy of Science. Master’s degree in mathematics with a specialization in Machine Learning he received in 2022. His master's thesis is on "Probabilistic inference of cell type topography in tumour microenvironment". During his graduate studies, he spent a semester at the University of Oslo. Now he is a PhD Student at Warsaw Uniwersity. In love with the mountains (most recently Lofoten) and physical activity.

Arkadiusz Pajor

Arkadiusz Pajor

MSc Student

Arkadiusz holds BE in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) from AGH University of Science and Technology and currently is pursuing MSc degree in Data Science there. He was leading scientific club "Telephoners" for two years. On the on hand he is passionate of Software Engineering, good practices, design patterns and modern software architecture. On the other hand he is a big fan of automating things using Artificial Intelligence. Currently he is doing reasarch on Interpretable Machine Learning (IML) models in order to build medical decision support system. His free time he spend on traveling, reading fantasy and sci-fi books, playing games and taking part in hackathons.

Przemysław Jabłecki

Przemysław Jabłecki

MSc Student

Przemysław holds BSc in Computer Science. He graduated with honours from AGH UST in 2021. His bachelor thesis was focused on the integration and comparison of feature selection algorithms in the context of data of patients suffering from Hairy Cell Leukemia. Currently, he is pursuing MSc degree in Data Science and doing research on the application of federated learning to medical image segmentation. Przemysław is mostly interested in deep learning, algorithms and large-scale cloud computing. In his free time, he loves travelling, playing chess and reading crime fiction.

Vidhi Sehrawat

Vidhi Sehrawat

PhD Student

Vidhi graduated in September 2021 with an Erasmus Mundus joint M.Sc. in Chemistry from Paris-Saclay University (Paris, France) and Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland). During her Master's research, she studied the effect of oxidation of methionine residues using time-resolved and LC-MS studies. Post-graduation, she joined Selvita as a synthetic organic chemist and worked on international projects focusing on heterocyclic and macrocyclic chemistry. In addition to the Erasmus Mundus scholarship by the European Union, she also received the INSPIRE-Scholarship for Higher Education (INSPIRE-SHE) and an IAS-Summer Research Fellowship Program (IAS-SRFP) scholarship by the Government of India while pursuing her B.Sc. Chemistry at St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi. She is also an associate member of the prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry, London. Vidhi is interested in utilizing her experiences in experimental biochemistry to work on drug discovery of female-specific cancers, COVID-19, etc. In her free time, she loves to sketch, paint, read non-fiction books, and mentor college students

Tadeusz Satława

Tadeusz Satława

Scientific programmer

Graduated in 2012 from Applied Computer Science at AGH with BSc and MSc theses related to ECG signal processing. He also has a BSc from Biomedical Engineering at AGH and did an internship as a teaching assistant at the University. He gathered experience as a software engineer and data scientist in several companies. Privately loves reading books, running and cross stitching.

Filip Ślazyk

Filip Ślazyk

MSC Student, Junior Scientific Programmer

Holds BSc in Computer Science obtained at AGH UST in 2021, currently doing MSc degree in Data Science at the same university. His bachelor thesis was related to applying machine learning techniques in the medical context. Interested in machine learning, deep learning, cloud computing. Currently doing research on the applications of federated learning in the healthcare as his master's thesis project. Has experience gained at the key players in the industry. Loves to spend his free time running, hiking, or playing squash.

Karolina Jarosińska

Karolina Jarosińska

Human Talent Manager

Has been working in the recruitment industry for over 15 years; possesses significant experience in talent acquisition for senior scientific and C-level positions. Karolina is actively involved in integrating the Life Science community in Poland, and also promotes Polish biotech, pharma and medtech communities on the international stage. At Sano she is responsible for talent acquisition and development. In her free time she enjoys hiking and cross-country skiing. She is also an enthusiast of enology travel.

Katarzyna Tabor

Katarzyna Tabor

Project Manager

Master of Public Health and holder of a postgraduate diploma in Management and Audit at Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Throughout her professional career, she has been working in several medical facilities, both public and private. Experience in coordinating projects, contract supervision and cooperation with clinical experts. Interested in healthcare quality and continuous improvement. In her…

Aneta Lisowska

Aneta Lisowska

Senior Postdoc

Aneta obtained BSc in Computing and Cognitive Science from Dundee University and Eng.D from Herriot-Watt University. Formerly she worked at international corporations (Toshiba and Canon) and at an AI start-up where she developed machine-learning (ML) based solutions to healthcare problems utilizing information from text, imaging and vital signs. Currently she is the most passionate about leveraging ML for early disease diagnosis and digital behavior intervention. She is interested in using wearable sensors to detect health conditions and monitor patients’ wellbeing. In her free time, she travels, dances, hikes and pursues MBA at Edinburgh Business School.

Maciej Szymkowski

Maciej Szymkowski

Scientific Programmer

Maciej Szymkowski received his B.Sc. in 2017 and M.Sc. in 2018 from Białystok University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science. Right now, he is PhD candidate at the same Faculty. His main research interests are related to biometrics, signal processing and analysis, processes simulations, artificial intelligence and machine learning. He gained experience not only at universities but also in diversified companies (where he was also responsible for software engineering tasks alongside those related to research). In his free time he likes reading books (especially biographies of famous scientists) and taking a long walk.

Karolina Tkaczuk

Karolina Tkaczuk

Director of Development

Karolina brings to Sano a combination of research and business experience through her work at the external technology transfer office, IP protection entities, seed and venture capitals, as well as industry partners. She has always worked at the edge of innovation and projects targeting real life problems with high commercialization potential, including newest trends in the application of AI in life sciences. She has a PhD Eng in Biotechnology, her scientific area of interest were molecular modeling of protein structures in particular methyltransferases, structure genomics projects and crystallisation. She’s an author and co-author of number of scientific publications and books, as well as popular science articles. She was a board member of Young European Biotech Network (YEBN) and collaborated with European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) as well as Nature.

Jan Kwapisz

Jan Kwapisz

Postdoc in Health Informatics Team

Bio: Obtained doctoral degree in 2022 with the thesis titled “Beyond the Standard Model of particle physics and cosmological standard model: Quantum Gravity Perspective”. Received a couple of scientific grants and awards such as the Ministry Scholarship for outstanding scientists and the Etiuda grant. Gave lectures in such places as MIT, NUS, Cambridge and Max Planck Institute. Currently working in health informatics group on AI and medical simulations. Also academic lecturer at Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.

Alfredo Ibias

Alfredo Ibias

PostDoc in Personal Health Data Science

Alfredo obtained his M.Sc. in Formal Methods for Computer Science from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain, where he also obtained both bachelors on Mathematics and Computer Science. In 2022 he defended his thesis in Computer Science and was awarded a Ph.D. degree by the UCM. Before joining Sano, Alfredo was working in applications of Information Theory and Artificial Intelligence to Software Testing, and he did a stay at University College of London under Facebook funding. At Sano, Alfredo will work developing machine self-learning algorithms to generate knowledge graphs from self-reported data. In his spare time he enjoys playing videogames, doing sport and listening to music.

Paulina Adamczyk

Paulina Adamczyk

Master Student in Extreme-scale Data and Computing

Paulina is a fourth-year student of computer science at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, where she belongs to the BEST AGH Krakow student organization. In her free time, she travels a lot, discovering new places and cultures, reads and plays squash. From time to time, she goes surfing which is her greatest hobby.

Sylwia Marek

Sylwia Marek

Master Student in Extreme-scale Data and Computing

Bachelor Student of Computer Science at AGH UST. Currently, together with three other students, under supervision of Sano, completing an engineering thesis, the subject of which is development of an application to support patient rehabilitation. Took an active part in a small-case study and experiment concerning the topic: "Can we reduce the burden of self-reporting through gamification of health surveys?" After hours - exploring Tatra Mountains, travelling, interested in mathematics and sports of all kinds, especially a former volleyball player.

Tomasz Michalczyk

Tomasz Michalczyk

Director of Finance

Finance and management expert with extensive experience in financial planning and business modeling for various public and private entities as well as in obtaining financing from various financial institutions and public funds. Privately, a lover of dogs and cats, who loves life in the forest, close to nature.

Byung Suk Lee

Byung Suk Lee

Visiting Professor

Byung Suk Lee is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Vermont. He received the B.S. degree from Seoul National University, M.S. degree from KAIST, and Ph.D. degree from Stanford University. His research interests include data and database management, data mining, data science, data stream processing, information retrieval, information system architecture, and machine learning, with primary applications in environment, healthcare, transportation, smart facility, and citizen science. He has been a PI and Co-PI of nearly 20 funded research projects, an author of more thans 80 peer-reviewed publications, and has served as an organizer, chair, and member of program committees in about 50 international conferences.