
Managing emerging technologies is a challenging task since it needs to deal with a number of uncertainties. These concern the assessment of future technology paths, future technological and economic potential, future markets in terms of needs and competition, and the development of framework conditions. Suitable tools for reducing such uncertainties are a key requirement for managing emerging technologies.

This talk will elaborate how roadmapping and innovation monitoring approaches can be used to this end. Examples from the European Graphene Flagship for the application of such concepts concerning the use of novel 2D-materials in neural implants or wearables will be presented.


  1. Reiss- T., Hjelt, K. and A. C. Ferrari 2019: Graphene is on
    track to deliver on its promises. Nature Nanotechnology
    14 907–10
  2. Doescher, H., Reiss, T. 2020: Innovation interfaces of the
    Graphene Flagship – Graphene Roadmap Briefs (No. 1).
    2D Materials – IOPscience, submitted


Thomas Reiss
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Karlsruhe, Germany

Date and time

Monday, 30 November 2020, 2:00-3:30 PM (CEST)
