The effects of risky behaviours, like smoking, obesity and drinking are reflected on the development of non-communicable disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) kill 41 million people the equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally. Behavioural risk factors account for almost half of all deaths in Poland. Detection, screening, and treatment of NCDs, as well as palliative care, are key components of the response to NCDs.
Citizenship is described as one of the main factors to enhance human quality of life (QoL) and drive change, however, in the health care sector, citizen empowerment is often disregarded. Due to its effects and impacts, the health decision-making process relies on experts delivering solutions while not empowering individuals’ choices on its health path. It’s well known that no one likes to be forced, to stop smoking, change diet, and ultimately change behaviour, as we are seeing in the actual pandemic.
However, when evidence is given, and a choice is provided individual citizenship becomes crowdsourcing to tackle big problems. No one wants to be a patient if it can have the evidence to choose not to be it with small nudges. From this concept and building on AI self-learning, a personal health architecture of choice is needed to create evidence on the health path and provide prospective evidence on effects to empower individual change within an AI self-learning architecture of choice. A path we need to travel.