The International Research Agendas programme (IRAP) grant supports the development of scientific structures, including establishment of 6 Research Team, led by renowned scientists. With a significant funding provided by Foundation for Polish Science of €10 M until December 2023, Sano conducts research in order to solve specific global scientific challenges and develop advanced solutions to complex medical challenges.
The scientific and economic challenge of Sano Centre for computational medicine
The Sano Centre will combine state-of-the-art expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning, computer vision, physiological modelling, large-scale high-performance computing with fundamental biomarker identification, using advanced simulation and data analysis methods in a fully integrated approach to clinical decision support. Offering open collaboration at all levels of the development pipeline, Sano will act not only as a core provider of conceptual and developmental expertise, but also as a partner to industrial and clinical users, fostering modernisation, innovation and increased productivity. This way it will also contribute to the scientific and economic challenge of the introduction of new computational technologies into medical space.
Sano Centre for computational medicine will address the fundamental needs of national and European society by developing a new range of innovative computational tools that will hopefully change the future of healthcare.
- Project budget: 44 998 447,00 PLN
- Project duration: 10.10.2019 – 31.12.2023