Author of more than 65 peer-reviewed publications in top medical imaging, clinical, engineering, and statistics journals and more than a hundred lectures, invited talks, conference talks, conference abstracts, conference proceedings, book chapters, books, and editorials. The author of the book “Computational statistics in nuclear imaging” published in 2014 by CRC Press/Taylor and Francis.
Inventor of 20 patents (granted, published, and filed) in medical image processing, clinical informatics, tomographic data reconstruction, and artificial intelligence in healthcare. Successful Innovator Award from the Technology and Ventures Office, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center award in 2012. Contributed to several technological solutions currently used in clinics around the world.
Presenter of invited lectures at the Harvard Medical School, John Hopkins Medical Center, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, IBM and many others.
Member of advisory board (2017-) and named in the top 25 referees in 2013 and 2014 for the Physics in Medicine and Biology. Recognized by the Editor of Radiology in 2013, 2014, 2016, with special distinction in 2017-2020. Chaired scientific sessions at RSNA, IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Society of Nuclear Medicine, Fully 3D image reconstruction meetings. Assistant to IEEE Medical Imaging Conference chair 2015 and 2017. Referee for many journals and conferences.