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Sano moderated the stage dedicated to digital health at LSOS 2022 

21-24th November took place the next Life Science Open Space edition. Marian Bubak hosted the health-tech session.  

The Life Science Open Space is an event for scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs, doctors, brokers, investors, and officials – who share a commitment and drive for cooperation in solving problems, facing challenges and developing innovations for the health and quality of life. Sano Science is a moderator of one of thematic blocks. 

The first day of conference is dedicated to health-tech issues.  

Scientific Director of Sano, dr Marian Bubak, moderated this session.  

The agenda was very interesting and included also Sano Science’s leaders: 

  • Alessandro Crimi – Current projects using neuroimaging 
    Jose Sousa – Machine self-semantic learning of cancer disease: a case study on brain tumour early progression 
  • Ahmed Abdeen Hamed –  Coping with Chemotherapy: Mining Twitter for Cancer Expressions using Network of Bigrams 
  • Przemysław Korzeniowski – Virtual Reality Simulation for Surgical Training and Pre-operative Planning in Neuro-Oncology 
  • Piotr Nowakowski – Harnessing the power of HPC for medical simulations 

Among other panelists, we welcomed: 

  • Anna Gawrońska – Enhancing patient health and well-being by streamlining processes in oncology 
  • Paweł Kunstman – living literature reviews accelerated by AI 
  • Roman Major – Patient-specific implants for mandibular bone reconstruction after tumour removal 
  • Andrzej Siwiec – Orphan drug designation for cancer medicines – how to make rare cancer drugs more valuable at the early stage of development 
  • Krzysztof Łukaszuk – Hormones and breast cancer risk – first Polish research in the mobile app 
  • Ewa Waliczek – Making preoperative surgery planning accurate and tangible  
  • Witold Dzwinel – The efficient computational frameworks of data assimilation in planning anti-cancer therapy 
  • Kenneth Y Wertheim – A GPU-Accelerated Model of Neuroblastoma to Predict Disease Outcome and Find Drug Targets 
  • Marcin Krzykawski – Do cells live the same way in the lab and human body? Why all research should be made from the right beginning  
  • Leszek Grzanka – Advancing radiotherapy by physics and computing  
  • Dominik Czaplicki – Endothelial profiling for cardio-oncology: a novel tool in preclinical safety studies 
  • Mariusz Mąsior –  A medical device on track & on time 

There is a possibility to watch the all presentations and conference stream:
