The director of Sano, Dr Maciej Malawski, took part in a conference “Teaming for success: How to capitalise on centres of excellence in Widening countries?” in Warsaw, Hotel Marriott, 16th of May.
Dr Malawski was invited as the leader of an organization involved in a realisation of Teaming for Excellence program, one of the actions in Horizon 2020 EU Framework Programme. The Programme is aimed at closing the gap in research excellence across Europe by supporting the creation of new research institutes.
Sano is one of the Centres of Excellence created with the aim of providing support for technology transfer and modernization of science management processes through strategic partnerships with leading organizations abroad and complementary investments using European funds and national sources of financing.
The aim of the conference in Warsaw was to analyse the prospects for effective use of the mechanism of creating Centres of Excellence. The event brought together 30 key regional and European stakeholders from research, industry, regional authorities, national governments and EU institutions.
The conference was organised by Science|Business Widening and The National Centre for Research and Development of Poland (NCBR).
More information about the conference here: