More than 20 people gathered on Friday evening to talk about future of medicine and healthcare and after 3 hours of discussion nobody wanted to leave! We think, it shows that the new format of networking and communication we presented on 19 of May, i.e., Coffee with Sano, is relevant to needs of many professionals from the field.
There were two main speakers: Dr. Jose Sousa, the leader of Personal Health Data Science team of Sano, and our special guest Ligia Kornowska, managing director of the largest hospital organization in Poland, the leader of “AI in healthcare” Coalition, coordinator of “AI&BD” stream of the Polish E-Health Strategy for 2021-26, co-initiator of GDPR code of conduct for healthcare.
Dr. Jose Sousa introduced the project his team is working on – a decision-making supporting-tool for clinicians. The tool can categorize patients as healthy or sick by analysing patient information (tests results, symptoms, treatments, etc.) faster, securely, and efficiently than a human-clinician.
Dr Kornowska, in her turn, gave an inspiring talk about current situation in collection, usage and protection of patience data in Poland and presented her own project “Podaruj dane” which aim is to educate people about importance of sharing medical information and the ways it can be done safely.
Both topics raised huge interest and a lot of questions. For sure, relaxed and informal character of the event significantly contributed to easiness and intensiveness of communication!
Coffee with Sano, to be continued!