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Quantum Computing: status, prospects and examples of research

In recent years, quantum computing has become popular due to its potential ability to solve problems that are beyond the possibilities of classical computing infrastructures. Although the status of quantum devices is still in its early stage, there are many theoretical quantum algorithms already available. The examples include not only the famous polynomial time Shor factorization but also the new hybrid classical-quantum approach used for optimisation. In this talk, we present an introduction to quantum algorithms and the current status of publicly available quantum hardware. We also give an overview of the research conducted in the Institute of Computer Science AGH including optimisation of workflow scheduling as well as  EU projects EuroHPC and Lumi-Q run at ACK Cyfronet AGH related to quantum topics.

Bio: Katarzyna Rycerz received her PhD in computer science from UvA, Amsterdam in 2006. Currently works as an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science AGH, Kraków, Poland and is a co-author of over 50 international publications in the area of distributed computing, environments for multiscale simulations, quantum computing simulation and support for scientific applications. She was involved in the EU ICT projects: CrossGrid (the Architecture Team member), CoreGRID and MAPPER (WP leader). Currently, she is involved in the EuroHPC PL project working on solving HPC and Cloud-related problems using existing quantum devices. She is also interested in quantum games.

Katarzyna Rycerz

Instifute of Computer Science and ACC Cyfronet, AGH, Krakow, PL

Monday, 21 November 2022, 3:00-4:30 PM (CET)

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