Dr Arkadiusz Sitek joins Sano as the Director on February 17, 2021

We are pleased to announce the nomination of Dr Arkadiusz Sitek as Sano Director from the 17th February 2021. He will also serve as the President of the Management Board and lead the Healthcare Informatics research group. Dr Sitek is a physicist and comes to Sano from IBM Watson Health in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.  Prior to IBM, he was employed in the Clinical Informatics Department of Philips Research also…

Non-invasive diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension based on MRI images measurements and mathematical models’ interpretation

Abstract Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a clinical condition characterised by an increased mean pulmonary arterial pressure measured, at rest, by right heart catheterisation (RHC). RHC is currently considered the gold standard for diagnosis, follow-up and measurement of response to treatment. Although the severe complications and mortality risk associated with the invasive procedure are reduced when…

Scientific computing at AstroCeNT

Abstract The talk will present the scientific activities of AstroCeNT and its Scientific Computing & Information Technology Group. AstroCeNT’s mission is to explore the hidden Universe. This mission is implemented by the development of tools needed for gravitational waves and dark matter detection. The AstroCeNT’s activities will be shown from the scientific computation perspective. During…

Sano is hiring!

Sano is hiring! Exciting news for 2021! 2021 has already started well for Sano, there are many things going on inside the organization, and even more exciting things still to come in the very near future.  First of all, the new Director will join Sano in February 2021 – a very inspiring, experienced leader, an individual with a great…

Multi-Component Lattice Boltzmann Equation simulation of blood from the cellular scale to the continuum scale

Abstract Lattice Boltzmann Equation (LBE) simulation method is a meso-scopic (distribution function-based) numerical technique, well adapted for computing certain classes of fluid flow, including complex multi-component flow, not least because of an intrinsic parallel implementability. Blood is a colloid, comprised of plasma (an incompressible Newtonian fluid) in which are suspended a high concentration of very…

Research Group Leader – Personal Health Data Science in computational medicine

Research Group Leader – Personal Health Data Science in computational medicine Sano presents a great opportunity for people who want to make a change in the world by developing life-changing technologies and solutions for healthcare worldwide. About us: The Sano Centre for Computational Medicine is a new International Scientific Foundation located in Kraków, Poland. Sano aspires…

Research Group Leader – Modeling & Simulation in computational medicine

Research Group Leader – Modeling & Simulation in computational medicine Sano presents a great opportunity for people who want to make a change in the world by developing life-changing technologies and solutions for healthcare worldwide. About us: The Sano Centre for Computational Medicine is a new International Scientific Foundation located in Kraków, Poland. Sano aspires to…