Sano PhD position

Sano PhD students Project title: Haptic Augmented VR for Improved Information Capture and Exchange in Medical/Social Environments About us: Sano Centre for Computational Medicine is a new International Scientific Foundation located in Kraków, Poland. Sano aspires to be a major translational scientific institute, operating at the meeting point of academic science, established MedTech industry, and emerging…

Artificial Intelligence and Computing in Medicine – Sano

Abstract Sano is a brand-new research institute dedicated to advancement of the use of computing in healthcare. The overall goal of Sano is to develop computerized solutions which can provide healthcare professionals and patients with assistance in making optimal medical and health-related decisions. The structure and the strategy towards achieving Sano’s goals is presented. I also discuss directions of healthcare research and areas of applications that Sano undertakes Author Arkadiusz Sitek Director of the Sano…

All-atom Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation of protein folding and other large scale conformational changes

Abstract Many biologically relevant processes are characterized by major conformational changes of the involved biomolecules. While recent advances in experimental methods have improved our ability to observe proteins and other biomolecules these experiments do not give us a full account of the microscopic changes from which  the observable conformational changes arise. For a more complete…