Sano at Building Bridges conference in Dresden

Last week, Sano Science was represented by dr Anna Maria Trawińska and dr Katarzyna Baliga-Nicholson at the International Building Bridges Conference, hosted by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR).  On May 16th and 17th, 2023, around 300 researchers from Saxony, the Czech Republic, Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries met to exchange views on the…

Teaming for Success Conference 

The director of Sano, Dr Maciej Malawski, took part in a conference “Teaming for success: How to capitalise on centres of excellence in Widening countries?” in Warsaw, Hotel Marriott, 16th of May.   Dr Malawski was invited as the leader of an organization involved in a realisation of Teaming for Excellence program, one of the actions…

For doctors who want to build a new, better future 

Community of Doctors-Innovators or NIL_IN (in Polish: Społeczność Lekarzy Innowatorów) is a new project of the Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists (Naczelna Izba Lekarska). The new community’s mission is to create a place where doctors-innovators can obtain the necessary support for their projects. We are happy to announce that Sano is a member of…

Two projects from Sano selected for the EIT Jumpstarter program 

EIT Jumpstarter is the award-winning pre-acceleration programme for scientists, researchers, and innovators, who want to validate their idea and develop business skills so to create and run their own start-up. The strategic aim of this program is to create a sustainable impact in the Central-Eastern and Southern-European regions by boosting innovation and entrepreneurship within this…

“Teaming for excellence” partnership in practice 

The Sano team had a great opportunity to experience the power of the “Teaming for Excellence” program recently. A week ago, we had guests from Fraunhofer ISI, an institution which is our partner and has an aim to help Sano with its integration into the international scientific environment.  Our guests, Tanja Bratan, coordinator of the…