Management of emerging technologies

Abstract Managing emerging technologies is a challenging task since it needs to deal with a number of uncertainties. These concern the assessment of future technology paths, future technological and economic potential, future markets in terms of needs and competition, and the development of framework conditions. Suitable tools for reducing such uncertainties are a key requirement…

Exploring Complex Interactions in Bacterial Biofilms and Colonies – An In-Silico Approach

Abstract Biofilms are macroscopic structures emerging from microscopic interactions of bacteria and their environment. These structures harbor antibiotic resistant bacteria and prevent proper elimination of the bacterial population during drug treatments. To design optimal treatment strategies, a proper understanding of the development of biofilm structures is necessary. The mechanisms behind the spontaneous formation of cap…

Towards Exascale-ready Ecosystems

Abstract As the age of exascale computers approaches, it is time to deliver appropriate software solutions to enable future exascale applications. The EU-funded PROCESS project is such an approach, bringing together leading experts in high-performance computing and data management. The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, mature and modular service-based set of…

Introduction to clustering in medicine

Abstract This talk will familiarize attendees with several clustering methods in the context of medicine. This kind of unsupervised algorithms are used for finding homogeneous groups (clusters) of objects. Samples forming one group should be similar to each other but different between other clusters. Such methods are successfully used in the field of medicine and…

Supermodeling in tumor dynamics prediction

Abstract We present a novel and faster data-assimilation (DA) scheme that can overcome the curse of dimensionality and overparameterization of biological models such as complex 3D cancer ones. We defined the supermodeling of a tumor as a kind of ensembling scheme that consists of a few sub-models representing various instances of a baseline cancer model…

Emerging needs of AI for Digital Pathology: Computational Bounds, Data Heterogeneity and Interpretability

Abstract With digitalization in the field of histology, and even more with virtual microscopy, the analysis of the microanatomy of cells and tissues is undergoing an important revolution. An increasing number of medical institutions started adopting high-resolution scanners that can collect images with billions of pixels representing glass slides of tissue specimens in their entirety.…

Progress in Personalised Computational Models of Physiology for Clinical Application

Abstract In this talk I will examine some of the challenges of translation of computational physiological models to applications in clinical medicine and in personal health management. I will include discussion of the whole pipeline, from data collection through to model personalisation and results interpretation. I am convinced that, to maximise impact, our models need…

Everything that a cardiac surgeons and their patients need: from the heart to an artificial heart, from simulation to advisory systems, and from planning tools to surgery tools (Robin Heart)

Abstract The heart is still a challenge – cardiac failures, diagnostics, operations, rehabilitation – are associated with unacceptable risks: statistical for the population and personal risk for each of us. Risk occurs at every stage – from decisions made to the type of therapeutic actions taken by the doctor. Surgery is a specific type of…