The Role of Structural and Functional Heterogeneity in Digital Twin Hearts

Sano PhD students Project title: The Role of Structural and Functional Heterogeneity in Digital Twin Hearts About us: Sano Centre for Computational Medicine is a new International Scientific Foundation located in Kraków, Poland. Sano aspires to be a major translational scientific institute, operating at the meeting point of academic science, established MedTech industry, and emerging start-up…

The Role of Neurocardiac Interaction in Arrhythmic Digital Twin Hearts

Sano PhD students The Role of Neurocardiac Interaction in Arrhythmic Digital Twin Hearts About us: Sano Centre for Computational Medicine is a new International Scientific Foundation located in Kraków, Poland. Sano aspires to be a major translational scientific institute, operating at the meeting point of academic science, established MedTech industry, and emerging start-up environment, combining the…

NEUROPIZZA – the new format of science event created by Sano Centre and Brain and Behaviour Lab

Sano Centre together with Brain and Behaviour Lab decided to create a new activity: NEUROPIZZA. NEUROPIZZA is a brown bag seminar where people could discuss brain research, encompassing a wide range of fields from neuroscience, biology, psychology, medicine and biomedical engineering among others. The aim is to create a space for discussion. The first meeting…

The survey: Needs, perspectives and challenges related to computational medicine

Sano, the new Centre for Personalised Computational Medicine in Krakow, is expected to become a major European hub providing cutting edge computational technologies for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease (e.g. clinical decision support systems, virtual models of the human patient or early phase clinical trials). To ensure that healthcare, industry and research more…

Generation and analysis of microscopy images compared to other modalities

Sano PhD students Project title: Generation and analysis of microscopy images compared to other modalities About us: Sano Centre for Computational Medicine is a new International Scientific Foundation located in Kraków, Poland. Sano aspires to be a major translational scientific institute, operating at the meeting point of academic science, established MedTech industry, and emerging start-up environment,…

Application of biclustering and artificial intelligence to the analysis of biological and medical data

Sano PhD students Project title: Application of biclustering and artificial intelligence to the analysis of biological and medical data About us: Sano Centre for Computational Medicine is a new International Scientific Foundation located in Kraków, Poland. Sano aspires to be a major translational scientific institute, operating at the meeting point of academic science, established MedTech industry,…

Call for Postdocs in Computational Medicine

Call for Postdocs in Computational Medicine About us: Sano Centre for Computational Medicine is a new International Scientific Foundation located in Kraków, Poland. Sano aspires to be a major translational scientific institute, operating at the meeting point of academic science, established MedTech industry, and emerging start-up environment, combining the best of these three perspectives. Sano acts…

Aneta Lisowska has joined Sano Centre

It is great to announce that Aneta has joined Sano Centre as Senior Postdoc. Her main scientific interest is working with wearable sensors to detect health conditions and monitor patients’ wellbeing. She obtained BSc in Computing and Cognitive Science from Dundee University and Eng.D from Herriot-Watt University. Formerly she worked at international corporations (Toshiba and…